Welcome to our Preschool!
The goal of our program is to help each child develop a wholesome self-concept, an eagerness for learning, an appropriate value system for social growth, and the ability to think and work independently in a loving, Christian setting.
Visit the School
Visitors are always welcome to tour the school by appointment. Call us at 404-378-4541, ext. 224. If you have any questions about enrollment or would like to schedule a tour please email Melanie Murphy at mmurphy@decaturfirst.org.
Our Program
Our program is open daily from 9am-1pm, mid-August through late May. Our classes offer many opportunities to play and learn while developing readiness for learning academic skills. Special features of our program include:
A loving, Christian environment
Small child-teacher ratios
Two outdoor playgrounds, specifically designed for younger and older children
A large, flexible rainy day play area
Music every day for every class, taught by dedicated music teachers
Teachers who attend at least four continuing education classes per year, CPR/ First Aid Training, Safe Sanctuary training, and have completed a nationwide background check
Monthly storytelling by a professional storyteller
An active parent group
The school is certified by the North Georgia United Methodist Preschool Association and is recognized as a Methodist School of Excellence. The school also proudly holds memberships in the following organizations: Georgia Preschool Association and the North Georgia United Methodist Preschool Association. Our school holds a license exempt status from state of Georgia Bright from the Start.
Meet the Director
My name is Melanie Murphy and I am the Preschool Director at our amazing little school! I have a 5 year-old at home, so having recently been through the preschool parent thing myself, I know how important these young years are. I work to make sure our teachers, parents and students are supported in the joint effort to make this the best preschool around! Email me at mmurphy@decaturfirst.org anytime- no question or concern is too small.